Financial Administration Of The Police

The police play indispensable roles in a nation such as maintaining civil order and enhancing internal security. Every nation has various police departments and units; assigned of different roles. These police divisions, however, are inspired towards a common goal: maintenance of law and order. Financial resource is a great requirement in the execution of police duties especially in the modern world where criminals have adopted acute skills and technology to pursue their intentions . To keep abreast with the dynamics of criminal activities, the police need sustainable funding. The funds obtained by the police must be administered accordingly to ensure that citizen’s lives are protected and their properties secured. Governments play major roles in the funding of law enforcement bodies as reflected in most national expenditures, while the police also have their independent means of obtaining funds, and administering them accordingly.

The public money, collected from the tax payers, cater for the largest part of the police expenditure. The finance office within the police ensures proper management of funds. It records all the income and expenditure entries, which must conform to the policies that have been established to govern and promote proper administration of the finances. Asset forfeiture is a police practice that provides them with strong financial incentives. It entails seizing properties of suspects believed to have made such achievements through corruption. Wealth acquired through illegal means like money laundering, drug business and human trafficking can also be seized by the police, and are later auctioned to finance operations .

The finance department strategically dispenses finance to carter for police expenditures like replacing old police gadgets, worn out equipment, transportation (fuelling), deterring criminals, detention costs of suspects awaiting judicial action and police miscellaneous spending. The police’s finance offices are annually audited by the government to ensure proper utilization of the tax payers’ money. In this regard, the Crime Commissioner and Office of the Police (Chief Constable and other senior police officers) have set financial management policies in place to ensure that all the expenditures made are legit and to the interest of the public.

In conclusion, financial arrangements, police funding and expenditure are complicated subjects that introduce a wide rage of responsibilities to the commissioner such as setting the budgets, monitoring spending, maximizing monetary value and reporting financial performance. The Commissioner and the finance office are held accountable of all the financial transactions. The police have their management policies that influence the decision making process as far as making expenditures are concerned. The police make their own annual budgets and it takes months and careful planning for them to come up with budget proposals, which are scrutinized by a set panel before settling on a final decision. Proper administration of police finance requires that the entire amount of money obtained is used in the implementation of law. Professional essay services - get your essays written by expert essay writer.
